When preparing your positioning strategy and your advertising message you've got to make sure that your product or service is ahead of your competition. So emphasising the benefits and attributes that makes your business different from the rest is important.
People will drive long distances past many shops, malls, butchers, restaurants just to get to a specific store that is in line with the vision of a product or service they desire.
People want to portray an image of themselves in a certain way which they want others to see them by, and they will jump through hoops to get to that product or service.
Price, product and service will be considered as a factors although if a person is trying to create a certain image and a seller provides them that identity they will definitely lean towards that business.
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It's time the great advertising lines earned some recognition.
Slogans, straplines, taglines, end lines, payoffs, claims and signatures - even some headlines.
The Advertising Slogan Hall Of Fame, sponsored by AdSlogans.com, recognizes excellence and best practice in advertising, benchmarking creativity -- identifying the best in branding.
Our selection panel reviewed 100 slogan nominations in the third round, to come up with 31 new members.
Judging criteria included individual opinions as to whether a line did or did not merit inclusion in The Advertising Slogan Hall of Fame.
Through a complex series of algorithms 31 more slogans were selected and inducted into the Hall of Fame.
The top-scoring slogan in the third round was AT&T's "Reach out and touch someone." In the second round it was KFC's "Finger-lickin' good!" The leader in the first round (in 2000) was "Beanz meanz Heinz'.
Listed alphabetically, click here to see our new inductees.
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