Build a MASSIVE viral list using a Video Opt-In Page - Absolutely F_R_E_E

Build a massive money making list by providing people with the most viral “video” software on the planet…
…the best part is YOU GET IT FREE! and can give it away FREE which will build your email list automatically!
Every successful online marketer has attributed their success to building a large email contact list
Let us build it for you!! Just simply become a free member of Viral Video Producer
Our case studies have shown that you can make as much as $1 per contact and more each and every month just by marketing to your email list.
Imagine what would that do for your finances with an email opt-in list of thousands, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands getting your offers each month?
Let me put it this way..
The ONLY difference between you and the "gurus" is their email contact list is BIGGER than yours.
Nothing more.. no magic, the money is in the list.
We know that the fastest way to build a massive email opt-in list is by giving something of EXTREME VALUE away for free in exchange for a name and an email address.
Find out more now! Viral Video Producer
The reason why it works is simple; everyone loves to get something of amazing value for free! Especially when the product you give is centered around the HOTTEST trend online.
Getting V.I.D.E.O... onto your web site!
If you need proof, let me say ONE single word..!
If you don't think Viral Video Producer can build your contact list then just watch this demo below. This PRODUCT will blow your mind and the minds of the people to whom you give it away! When you give it away, those people will give you their name and email in exchange for the product.
List building made easy..
Find out more now! Viral Video Producer
How giving away the Viral Video Producer puts the hottest trend with Internet users to work for you, growing your list by the thousands virally twenty-four hours a day seven days a week!
The hottest trend on the Internet right now is creating and posting your own videos to the web.
The big problem is MOST just don't know enough “techy” stuff to get their videos online.
Viral Video Producer makes it very simple and easy. In fact even someone who just started using the Internet could have their own video online in less than three minutes.
If you have a webcam, try Viral Video Producer right now and click the record button below!
Just hit the record button, record your video, then hit the stop button. Then hit the save button and watch your video!
Find out more now! Viral Video Producer
Now you can View the Recorded Video Here
Remember, the demo above is just the tip of the iceberg of what is possible with Viral Video Producer. Become a free member today and GET ALL THE AMAZING BENEFITS!
Viral Video Producer is a bonafide video production software package that ordinarily would sell for as much as $497. And you’re getting it and giving it away for free.
Growing a massive e-mail opt list will never be faster or easier than it is when you have something this valuable and this easy to use that people get for free.
Here are some of the great features of the Easy Video Producer
- Easy to create and post your own videos to the Web
- 10 color templates to choose
- Five video players colors
- Edit the text on the template
- Publish your video as a stand alone page, post it to another web page or blog, or email it.
- Create unlimited videos
Find out more now! Viral Video Producer
But until you get the Viral Video Producer working for you, you’re literally losing out on your opt-in list exploding exponentially..
In fact, people are joining right now.. building a list you are missing out on until you join!
If you don’t have a list, or your list isn’t as big as you want it to be now is the time to act. You need to get started right now because the sooner you’re have the Easy Video Producer to give away, the sooner your list starts to grow like Jack’s beanstalk.
How You grow your list!!
The people who get the Easy Video Producer from you will love it. They’ll also love sharing it with others who can get it for free too.
That’s the secret to the viral growth of this list building system; one person sharing a great find with others.
The ones who get it from you will either share it because its cool or because it’s such a powerful list building tool.
That means you’ll grow your list two ways using the Viral Video Producer. First, by adding opt-in email marketers who want to grow a list as big as possible, and second by adding those that responded just to get the free video producer.
Those people in turn give it to people they know and so on, and so on, and so on. Now you can see how your email list grows faster and faster and bigger and bigger and bigger.
Just to give you an idea of how quickly your list will grow, fill in the list growth calculator here with the number of people you think you can give the Easy Video Producer to. Then enter how many people they might give it to.
Can you see how fast the numbers of people in your opt-in list explode? And that’s money in your pocket as an email list marketer!
Find out more now! Viral Video Producer
You may be wondering why we would
give this valuable tool away for free?
It’s simple. Success isn’t achieved alone. We believe in the principle that states,
“To get what you want all you have to do is help others get what they want.”
Our hope is that by building a relationship with you, you will get to know like and trust us. And by us building a relationship together you may end up buying one of our products in the future!
No hidden agenda, we just hope you end up liking us!
When those people in turn give the Easy Video Producer to more subscribers they’ll be building their list. Those names will automatically be added to your list or “down line.”
You could immediately start making money with your list because you’ll be enrolled as an affiliate marketer with us.
After you get access to the Easy Video Producer, you will be enrolled as an affiliate for us. We periodically send out email offers and if any of the people in your list purchases you’ll automatically be credited and get a commission!
Find out more now! Viral Video Producer
That means you could make money even if you never do any marketing of your own!
Speaking of marketing, if you have products that you would like to promote through email marketing, or something that could be added to one of our offers as bonus materials, contact us. We’re always looking for people to work with us.
Even if all you do is add something to a free bonus package with one of our offers, your product or service will get valuable exposure that will help you build your business more quickly.
Our main FAQ!
Q. When I Join Viral Video Producer will I get a lot of emails?
A. No NEVER! No matter how big your opt-in list becomes, you will never ever get email from people below you!
Q. Can I opt out at any time?
A. Yes, you can, but you will lose the ability to use and you may lose your contact list. We make it easy to cancel in your members area.
Q. How often can I email my list that I have built up
A. You can email them once every week. You are welcome to invite your list to join a private list that you own.
Find out more now! Viral Video Producer